What child is this - Traditional (arr Stainer) - Cantate Domino

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What child is this - Traditional (arr Stainer)

Music:   Traditional Melody (Greensleeves) attributed to King Henry VIII
Arranger:   Sir. John. Stainer
Voicing:   SATB
Words:   William Chatterton Dix
What child is this, who laid to rest,
  on Mary's lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,
  while shepherds watch are keeping?

This, this is Christ the King,
  whom shepherds guard and angels sing;
haste, haste to bring him laud,
  the babe, the son of Mary.

Why lies he in such mean estate
  where ox and ass are feeding?
Good Christian, fear: for sinners here
  the silent Word is pleading.

So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh,
  come, peasant, king, to own him;
the King of kings salvation brings,
  let loving hearts enthrone him.

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The Easton Area High School Freshman Choir
Nidarosdomens Guttekor, Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway
“Greensleeves” is a traditional English folk song and  tune, a ground of the form called a romanesca.

A broadside ballad by this name was registered at the London Stationer’s Company  in 1580 as “A New Northern Dittye of the Lady Greene Sleeves.” It then appears  in the surviving A Handful of Pleasant Delights (1584) as “A New Courtly Sonnet  of the Lady Green Sleeves. To the new tune of Green sleeves.” It remains  debatable whether this suggests that an ‘old’ tune of “Greensleeves” was in  circulation, or which one the familiar tune is. Many surviving sets of lyrics  were written to this tune. The tune is also found in several late 16th century  and early 17th century sources, such as Ballet’s MS Lute Book and Het Luitboek  van Thysius, as well as various manuscripts preserved in the Cambridge  University libraries.

A widely-believed (but completely unproven) legend is that it was composed by  King Henry VIII (1491–1547) for his lover and future queen consort Anne Boleyn.  Anne, the daughter of Thomas Boleyn, rejected Henry’s attempts to seduce her.  This rejection is apparently referred to in the song, when the writer's love  “cast me off discourteously.” However, it is most unlikely that King Henry VIII  wrote it, as the song is written in a style which was not known in England until  after Henry VIII died.

It is widely thought that Lady Green Sleeves was at the very least a promiscuous  young woman and perhaps a prostitute. At this time, the word “green” also had  sexual connotations, most notably in the phrase “a green gown,” a reference to  the way that grass stains might be seen on a lady’s dress if she had made love  outside. An alternative explanation is that Lady Green Sleeves was, as a result  of her attire, incorrectly assumed to be immoral. Her “discourteous” rejection  of the singer’s advances quite clearly makes the point that she is not.

On page 500 of Nevill Coghill's translation of The Canterbury Tales Coghill  explains that “green [for Chaucer’s age] was the color of lightness in love.  This is echoed in ‘Greensleeves is my delight’ and elsewhere.”


Alas, my love, you do me wrong,
To cast me off discourteously.
For I have loved you well and long,
Delighting in your company.

Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight,
Greensleeves was my heart of gold,
And who but my lady greensleeves.

Your vows you've broken, like my heart,
Oh, why did you so enrapture me?
Now I remain in a world apart
But my heart remains in captivity.

I have been ready at your hand,
To grant whatever you would crave,
I have both wagered life and land,
Your love and good-will for to have.

If you intend thus to disdain,
It does the more enrapture me,
And even so, I still remain
A lover in captivity.

My men were clothed all in green,
And they did ever wait on thee;
All this was gallant to be seen,
And yet thou wouldst not love me

Thou couldst desire no earthly thing,
but still thou hadst it readily.
Thy music still to play and sing;
And yet thou wouldst not love me.

Well, I will pray to God on high,
that thou my constancy mayst see,
And that yet once before I die,
Thou wilt vouchsafe to love me.

Ah, Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu,
To God I pray to prosper thee,
For I am still thy lover true,
Come once again and love me.

Early literary references
In Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor, written   around 1602, the character Mistress Ford refers twice without any   explanation to the tune of “Greensleeves,” and Falstaff later exclaims:

Let the sky rain potatoes! Let it thunder to the tune of ‘Greensleeves!’ These allusions suggest that the song was well known at that time.

Greensleeves is in Dorian mode, though modern musicians   sometimes play it in the natural minor scale instead.

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