Organ Music of Paul F. Page - Cantate Domino

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Organ Music of Paul F. Page

Church organists often face the dilemma: where am I going to find music  that I can play well, that fits into a compressed service “space”, that  does not over-tax the resources of the instrument I am playing.  
Here are some selections intended for performance on a small to medium-sized  pipe organ with or without use of pedal. There should be something for just  about everyone in this collection.

Please click or tap the title to be taken to each section.

Contents  and Overview

Pipe Fittings is a selection of Organ Voluntaries.

Meditations / Elevations devised for use during liturgy. There are  often short periods when a quiet interlude or meditation can be useful to fill  the space with prayerful, reflective song. These selections may be helpful.

Interludes These short pieces fit no particular pattern and have been composed with no particular application in mind other than to simply explore where music might lead if allowed to express itself without any prior design. While they may be used as reflective meditations, some may also be fine preludes orprovide contrast or variety to a recital program.           

Cantabile Sacra Is a collection that focuses on short, accessible  organ scores that base their creation upon selected scriptural lines or  passages. Each is intended for use during a liturgy in any manner and in any  place that is appropriate and where they will add to the solemnity and general  prayerfulness of the ritual.

Inventions are short experiments in sound and form, suitable pieces for recital or for liturgical application and (mostly) within the grasp of moderately-skilled performers and smaller to average-sized instruments. Enjoy the discovery of some new music.

Pieces of Eight a series of eight-measure mini-studies for organ.

Preludes and Postludes A collection of music appropriate for use as  preludes or postludes.

Miscellaneous Organ Works Organ works that do not fall into any  particular category or collection.

Pedal Etudes for Organ a useful compendium of short works featuring (primarily) the pedal board  of a standard, classical organ. Some are written for pedal solo; others  for pedal with modest melodic and/or harmonic counterpoint, the pedal  part remaining the focus of each composition.

Hymns Tunes With No Words The short “hymns” presented in here capture the “flavor” of the traditional hymn style. Enterprising organists may find them pleasant to play (and certainly easy) and, perhaps, find new improvisations upon this source material,  and clever poets may discover here the musical expression through which to deliver their words. One might say (challenge?), “Game on!”

Recordings Much of the audio can be listened to on this link

A Selection of Music by Paul F. Page, played by Carson Cooman
Meditation No. 1 (Paul F. Page)
Voluntary No. 5 (Paul F. Page)
Voluntary No. 26 (Paul F. Page)
Voluntary No. 29 (Paul F. Page
Voluntary No. 39 (Paul F. Page)
Voluntary No. 41 (Paul F. Page
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