Father most holy, merciful and tender (Sheffield House)
Composer: | R. Mather | |
Tune: | Sheffield House | |
Words: | Translated from 10th century latin by Percy Dearmer |
Father most holy, merciful and tender
Jesus our saviour, with the Father reigning,
Spirit all kindly advocate defender,
Light never waning.
Trinity sacred, unity unshaken,
deity perfect, giving and forgiving,
Light of the angels, life of the forsaken,
hope of all living.
Maker of all things, all thy creatures praise thee;
lo all things serve thee through thy whole creation:
hear us Almighty, hear us as we raise the
hearts adoration
To the all ruling triune God be glory:
highest and greatest, help thou our endeavour;
We too would praise thee, giving honour worthy
now and for ever.
The hymn tune name is named after the house at Kingham Hill School, Oxfordshire, UK that the composer was in during his school years.
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Father Most Holy - Mather
Sheffield House
Father Most Holy - Mather
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