Gothic Suite (Boëllmann) - Cantate Domino

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Gothic Suite (Boëllmann)

Léon Boëllmann

1. Introduction - Choral (C Minor)
2. Menuet Gothique (C Major)
3. Prière à Notre-Dame (A Flat Major)
4. Toccata (C Minor)
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Wilbert Berendsen, (Walcker organ IVP/75, 1916), Martinikerk, Doesburg, Netherlands
Gert van Hoef
Boëllmann’s Suite Gothique consists of four movements. The first movement (Introduction - Choral) is in C minor and is made up of harmonized choral phrases that are first played in block chords on the great and pedals, and then repeated, piano, on the swell. The second movement (Menuet Gothique) is in 3/4 time and in C major, which Boëllmann uses to make this a lively and uplifting movement. The third movement (Prière à Notre-Dame) is an extremely beautiful and lyrical piece of music. In Ab major, it rarely uses dynamics above 'piano' and completely contrasts with and sets up nicely the fiery movement following. Because of its beauty, this movement is often played at weddings. The final fourth movement (Toccata) is the best-known of the suite and is among the most famous finales ever written. This movement returns to C minor, ending with a Tierce de Picardie on full organ.

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