Fling wide the gates - Procession to Calvary (Stainer) - Cantate Domino

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Fling wide the gates - Procession to Calvary (Stainer)

Composer:   Sir. John Stainer
Voicing:   SATB, Tenor Solo and Organ
Words:   William John Sparrow Simpson (A Meditation on the Sacred Passion of the Holy Redeemer [The Crucifixion])
Fling wide the gates, for the Saviour waits
 to tread in His royal way;
he has come from above, in His power and love,
 to die on the Passion Day.

His Cross is the sign of a love divine,
 his Crown is the thorn-wreath of woe,
he bears His load on the sorrowful road,
 and bends 'neath the burden low.

How sweet is the grace of His sacred face,
 and lovely beyond compare,
though weary and worn with the merciless scorn
 of a world He has come to spare.

The burden of wrong that earth bears along,
 past evil, and evil to be, -
all sins of man since the world began,
 they are laid, dear Lord, on Thee.

Then on to the end, my God and my Friend,
 with Thy banner lifted high!
Thou art come from above in Thy power and love,
 to endure and suffer and die.
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Hong Kong Methodist Church
Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra
Guildford Camerata
Cathedral Choir
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Cantate Domino
12 Dec 2019
Cantate Domino responds to Gordan Wright below.

I am not sure that it can be purchased, but it can be hired. I hope that this helps.

Gordon Wright
12 Dec 2019
Please let me know where I can order the Rose orchestration for Crucifixion
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