Carols Index - Cantate Domino

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Carols Index

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    Title    Composer  Arranger   Voices
A babe is born all of a maid  SATB
A child is born in Bethlehem Johann Sebastian BachSATB
A child is born in Bethlehem Dr. LayrieSATB
A child this day is born R. MatherSATB
A day, a day of glory! Charles WoodSATB
A great and mighty wonder Bernard E. MatherSATB
A great and mighty wonder Michael PraetoriusSATB
A Star Shines Bright Edwin Henry LemareSATB
All my heart this night rejoicesJohann Georg Ebeling SATB
All my heart this night rejoicesJohann Georg EbelingJohann Sebastian BachSATB
Amid the silence of the solemn night   
Angels from the realms of glory (Iris)Traditional French SATB
Angels we have heard on high (Gloria)Traditional French SATB
As with gladness men of old (Dix)Conrad KocherWilliam Henry MonkSATB
Away in a manger (Cradle Song)William J. Kirkpatrick R. MatherSATB Organ
Away in a manger (Mueller)James R. Murray SATB
Break forth, O beauteous heavenly lightJohann Sebastian Bach SATB
Brich an, o schönes MorgenlichtJohann Sebastian Bach SATB
Cantique de Noël (Christmas Song) O Holy NightAdolphe Charles Adam Soprano/Tenor Solo or Unison
Christians awake! salute the happy mornJohn Wainwright SATB
Come all you worthy gentlemen (Somerset Carol) R. MatherSATB and Organ
Ding Dong! merrily on highFrench 16th Century melody adapted by G.R. WoodwardR. MatherSATB and Organ
Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen(Folk song circa 15th century)Michael PraetoriusSATB
From heaven above to earth I come.(Translated from Martin Luther)Martin Luther (attributed)Alfred DörffelSATB
Gaudete, quia vobis (Now, seeing God is born here) Charles WoodSATB
God rest you merry gentlemen(Traditional English circa 16th Century)Sir John StainerSATB
Good Christian men rejoice(Traditional melody circa 14th Century)Sir. John StainerSATB
Good King Wenceslas(From a 13th century melody)Sir John StainerSATB
Hail! Blessed Virgin Mary(Traditional Italian)Charles WoodSATB
Hark the herald angels singJakob Ludwig Felix MendelssohnWilliam Hayman CummingsSATB
He smiles within his cradle(Melody from D.G. Corner’s Geistliche Nachtigal, Vienna 1649)R. MatherSATB
I heard the bells on Christmas DayR. Mather SATB and Accompaniment
I saw three ships come sailing in(Traditional Circa 17th Century)Sir. John StainerSATB
In Dulci Jubilo(Traditional circa 14th Century)Johann Sebastian BachSATB
In Dulci Jubilo(Traditional circa 14th Century)Bartholemew GesiusSATB
In Dulci Jubilo(Traditional circa 14th Century)Robert Lucas de PearsallSSAATTBB
In that poor stable (Bethlehem)(French Melody)Charles GounodSATB
In The Bleak MidwinterGustav Holst SATB
Infant holy, infant lowly(Polish melody)R. MatherSATB and Organ
It came upon the midnight clear (Carol)Richard Storrs Willis SATB
It came upon the midnight clear (Noel)(English traditional melody)Sir Arthur SullivanSATB
Joy to the world the Lord is come(Mostly from Holfords Voce di Melodia (c 1834))Lowell MasonSATB
Joy to the world the Lord is come(Mostly from Holfords Voce di Melodia (c 1834))R. MatherSATB
Like silver lamps (The manger throne)Charles SteggallR. MatherSATB
Lo, how a Rose e’er Blooming(Folk song circa 15th century)Michael PraetoriusSATB
Lullay, lulla thou little tiny child (Coventry Carol)(15th Century)(Orginal)STB
Lullay, lulla thou little tiny child (Coventry Carol)(15th Century)Sir Henry Walford DaviesSATB
Lullay, lulla thou little tiny child (Coventry Carol)(15th Century)R. MatherSATB
Now, seeing God is born here (Gaudete, quia vobis) Charles WoodSATB
Now the holly bears a berry (Sans Day Carol)(Traditional Cornish Melody)R. MatherTwo Voices, Organ/Piano and optional instrument (flute or violin)
O come, all ye faithful (Adeste Fideles) R. MatherSATB Descant Organ (Fanfare)
O come, O come, Emmanuel(15th Century)R, MatherMelody, Refrain Descant and Organ
O Holy Night - Cantique de Noël (Christmas Song)Adolphe Charles Adam Soprano/Tenor Solo or Unison
O little one sweet, O little one mild Johann Sebastian BachSATB
O little town of BethlehemHenry Walford Davies SATB and Acompaniment
O little town of BethlehemLewis Henry Redner SATB
O little town of BethlehemRalph Vaughan WilliamsR. Mather (V1)SATB
Of the Father’s love begottenDivinum Mysterium (From Piae Cantiones 1582 published by Theodoric Petri of Nyland). Unison or SATB
On Christmas Night all Christians Sing (Sussex Carol) Descant arrangement R. MatherSATB and Organ
Once as I remember Charles WoodSATB
Once in Royal David’s city (Irby)Henry John GauntlettDescant arrangement R. MatherSATB Descant and Organ
Out of your sleep arise and wakeR. Mather Two Voices and Accompaniment
Past three o’clock (London Waits)(13th Century melody)Charles WoodSATB
Personent hodie Gustav HolstUnison and organ
Quelle est cette odeur agréable - Where is that goodly fragrance flowing R. MatherSATB
Schaut hin! dort liegt im finstern Stall (Behold! in lowly manger stall)Johann Sebastian Bach SATB
See, amid the winter’s snowJohn Goss SATB
Silent Night, Holy NightFranz Xaver Gruber Unison
Silent Night, Holy NightFranz Xaver GruberR. MatherSSATB
Still, Still, Still(Austrian -Salzburg Melody)R. MatherSSATB
’Tis the day, the blessed dayOld French Melody SATB
The Angel Gabriel from heaven came (Gabriel's Message)(Basque Carol)R. MatherSATB and organ (plus optional other instrument)
The first nowell(Traditional circa 17th century)Sir John StainerSATB
The holly and the ivy(Traditional collected by Cecil Sharp)R. MatherSATB Descant and Organ
The holly and the ivyOld French AirSATB
The Lord at first did Adam make(Melody from David Gilbert’s West Country Selection, “Some Ancient Christmas Carols” 1822)R. MatherSATB
Thou must leave thy holy dwelling (The shepherds’ farewell)Louis-Hector Berlioz SATB and Accompaniment
Three kings from Persian lands afarPeter Cornelius  SATB and Tenor Solo
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day(Traditional)R. MatherSSATB and Organ
We three kings of orient areJohn Henry HoplinsR. MatherSATB and Organ
What child is this (Greensleeves)Traditional (Greensleeves)Sir John StainerSATB
While by my sheep I watched at night - Echo Carol(Attributed to Auserlesene Catholische geistliche Kirchengesange
Hugo Richard JüngstSATB
While choirs of angels(West country traditional) SATB
While shepherds watched their flocks by nightThomas ClarkR. MatherSATB
While shepherds watched their flocks by night(Cornish gallery hymn) SATB

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