Toccata from Symphony Number 5 (Widor) - Cantate Domino

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Toccata from Symphony Number 5 (Widor)

Charles Marie Widor
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Olivier Penin, Ste-Clotilde, Paris
Markéta Prokopovičová, Jesuit Church Assumption of Our Lady, Brno, Moravia, Czech Republic
Kiyo Watanabe (79-rank Garland Pipe Organ) Easter Day 2003, First United Methodist Church, Wichita Falls, Texas
The fifth movement of Widor’s symphony No 5, in F major, is often referred to as just Widor’s Toccata. It is his most famous piece. It lasts around six minutes. Its fame in part comes from its frequent use as recessional music at festive Christmas and wedding ceremonies.

The melody of Widor’s Toccata is based upon an arrangement of rapid staccato arpeggios which form phrases, initially in F, moving in fifths through to C major, G major, etc. Each phrase consists of one bar. The melody is complemented by syncopated chords, forming an accented rhythm against the perpetual arpeggio motif. The phrases are contextualised by a descending bass line, often beginning with the 7th tone of each phrase key. For example, where the phrase consists of an arpeggio in C major, the bass line begins with a B-flat. The arpeggios eventually modulate through all twelve keys, until Widor brings the symphony to a close with fff block chords in the final three bars.

Following Widor’s example, other composers adopted this style of toccata as a popular genre in French Romantic organ music, including notable examples from Eugène Gigout, Léon Boëllmann, Louis Vierne, Henri Mulet, and Marcel Dupré.

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